
this is one of the cafeteria in NUFS.
this cafeteria is more simple than another one.
The menu is curry, various kind of chinese noodle, udon, soba, misokatsu and so on.
Many student loves noodle menu in atrium.
This restaurant is not crowded so we don't need to wait. We can go there everytime.

Pasco is located on the first floor of the communication plaza.
There are many students at the communication plaza especially during lunch break.
Many Japanese students and international students enjoy talking as they eat lunch.

We can eat bread fresh from the oven at the Pasco. There are many kinds of bread such as Melon bread, bagel and scone. Each of them have a few kinds. For example, Melon bread with chocolate tips, Chocolate melon bread, Green tea melon bread and so on. There are also some kinds of 'osouzai' bread. They are very delicious.

In the Pasco, many kinds of rice ball, sandwich, salad, noodles, sweets and soft drink are sold. We have many choices. We can also buy some snacks there. From this year, plastic bottle of soft drink are sold.



It is Italian restaurant. The students can eat pasta, sandwich, an omlet containing fried rice, dessert and so on. NUFS's other reataurants sell many kinds of food. But ju: is unique food. For example, pumpkin salad, rice casserole, nan bread. At lunch time, there are a lot of students. So you should hurry when you finish second class.
And the picture is ju;'s simbole. We can make soft cream by yourself. It is very fun! Why don't you mkae it?