
this is one of the cafeteria in NUFS.
this cafeteria is more simple than another one.
The menu is curry, various kind of chinese noodle, udon, soba, misokatsu and so on.
Many student loves noodle menu in atrium.
This restaurant is not crowded so we don't need to wait. We can go there everytime.

1 件のコメント:

ゆた さんのコメント...

1. It is very simple posting.
2. I don't have any ideas.
3. I don't have any ideas.
4. I don't have any ideas.
5. you have to put space after any periods.
6. >many student loves noodle menu in atrium.
I seem you have to say "many students love noodles menu in atrium."
7. I think it is nice cafeteria. It has many menu and some snaks or ready-to-meal.